Skincare company Cetuem gives confidence to Miss England Semi-Finalist Melisa Raouf to enter the Beauty Contest Make-Up Free. She now prepares for the National Finals!
Melisa Raouf (20), a student in politics at Kings College, London, made history when she entered the Miss England semi-finals make-up free. She becomes the first person to do so in the 94 year history of the national beauty pageant.
Melisa Raouf said on her instagram "So happy to take part of this empowering round yet again! This round is sponsored by Cetuem Cosmetics, one of the best luxury cosmetics I have come across, my skin has never felt any better! Accepting and embracing blemishes every time everywhere❤️"

Melisa says ''This means a lot to me as I feel many girls wear make-up because they feel pressured to do so. We shouldn't be made to cover up our face with makeup, but look after our skin to keep it young, healthy and radiant, and cherish our natural beauty''

Melisa's message has been received with enormous enthusiasm around the world. She's been featured not only in the British press, but in the New York Post, CNN, and Fox News, as well as the Australian, Argentinian and Indian press. She was also recently invited on BBC, ITV and Channel 5 News.

Pictured above Melisa Raouf with Andria Vassiliou, CEO of Cetuem Cosmetics.
Melisa visits Andria at Cetuem Cosmetics London for her Cetuem SCR Gold Facial as she prepares her skin for the national finals.
"Since having the facials and using the products my skin has improved significantly" says Melisa.